21 Jun 2023

Dear Parents, Grandparents and Carers,
We urgently need a volunteer so that ethics classes are available for all families who have requested them.
You could easily be an ethics teacher for Burrawang Primary School in 2023.
Ethics teachers receive full training from Primary Ethics, the not-for-profit organisation approved to design curriculum and training for the ethics program. Training consists of a two-day workshop and short online modules. Lesson materials are provided. Suitable volunteers have an interest in children’s education and development of critical thinking skills and must be available at 2:30 pm each Tuesday to teach a half-hour class. A small amount of weekly preparation (such as printing and reading through lesson materials) is also required.
In ethics classes, children learn how to think logically, disagree respectfully and support their arguments with evidence, rather than act according to blind habit or peer pressure.
If you are looking for an opportunity to make a valuable contribution to our school, please visit www.primaryethics.com.au or contact Elizabeth Ellis, Primary Ethics Coordinator 0411032712